Welcome to the Medical Nursing Academy

The Medical Nursing Academy is currently closed for new enrolments whilst the brand new curriculum is completed.

Existing members or previous students can re-enrol using the button below.

"The medical academy provides the most comprehensive and up to date CPD I have found in internal medicine for nurses"

Philippa, RVN

You became a veterinary nurse because you wanted to give great care.

And now you want to take that even further... continually learning, developing and applying your new skills, discussing your cases with the vets (rather than just being directed by them) and feeling like your time, skills and expertise are acknowledged.

But right now, you feel like you could be doing more...

  • Perhaps you're feeling like you're not able to treat your patients as effectively as you'd like to.

  • Maybe you feel overlooked, or like you're not listened to when nursing your medical cases - or that you lack the confidence to advocate for your medical patients.

  • Or maybe you'd love to do more with your medical patients, but you just don't have enough time to dedicate to each of them.

I know, because I've been there, too.

  • I know what it's like to feel stagnant, and unable to progress in your career.

  • I know how frustrating it is to feel like you have so many patients to care for and no time to give the level of care you'd like.

  • I know how it feels to not have your opinions listened to - or to feel like you don't know enough about the cases you're seeing to have an opinion!

  • And I know how it feels to not think you're good enough.

  • That's why I wanted to create a community where nurses could support and empower each other whilst learning about medical patients.

    It's time to be the amazing, confident nurse you know you are.
    To plan and give the full care that your medical patients deserve, and to feel confident doing this - even in a busy ward with a never-ending 'to-do' list!

    To learn new skills, advocate for your patients, and to show your team, clients and patients just what you're capable of.

    Introducing The Medical Nursing Academy!

    A community of qualified/registered veterinary nurses and technicians who want to:

    • Work with their vet team to provide the best care they can for their patients
    • To advocate for their patients and feel confident implementing the right nursing considerations for each patient
    • Feel more confident in their day-to-day nursing skills
    • Develop new clinical skills, and apply these to their medical patients
    • Be part of a team who bounce ideas off of each other to learn more, support each other and recognise the vital role nurses play in medical care.

    "I find it really helpful as I’ve been able to post into the community for advice on cases I’m working on at my own work, and I like reading about other people’s experiences in referral hospitals as I don’t see as much in first opinion general practice."

    Catriona, RVN

    The Medical Nursing Academy is for you if...

    💚 You feel like you could do more to care for your medical patients, but you don't have the time to read up on different diseases and how they affect your patients
    💚 You worry you don't know enough about all of the different diseases you see in practice - and how they affect your patients - to make decisions on their nursing care
    💚 You'd love to learn what different blood test results mean, and how to interpret X-rays, ultrasounds, and CT scans to learn how you can apply these to your nursing care... but you don't get to, because it's 'not a nurse's job'
    💚 You'd like to have more input on nursing decisions for your medical patients... from admit to hospitalisation, and beyond
    💚 You feel like confidence, impostor syndrome and self-doubt get in the way of you giving the medical care you want to.

    What do I get as an academy member?

    • CPD Sessions

      Brand new book club calls, workshops and webinars delivered live each month, plus a library of recorded sessions to work through in your own time - to help you feel confident nursing your medical patients, and using more of your skills.

    • Test Yourself Quizzes

      After every CPD session, there’ll be a 5-10 question quiz to test your knowledge!

    • Voice Note Q&A Sessions

      Got a case you want to chat through, a procedure you want to learn more about, or an assignment/exam you want a hand with study for? Let's voice note it out inside our community.

    • Exclusive Members-Only Community

      An exclusive community where we can hang out, ask questions, discuss cases, share advice and learn from each other.

      From exam prep to nursing care, all your questions will be answered here!

    • Exclusive Membership Badge

      Who doesn’t want a bit of nursing bling?! The least you deserve is a badge to show off your hard work - so you’ll get out official academy member badge when you join… as well as your name on the academy wall of fame!

    • VIP Access

      Brand new for 2024… introducing the academy VIPs! Becoming a VIP member will get you access to an exclusive on-demand case study delivered to you every month. Think short and sweet, 15-20 minutes of practical nursing tips, tricks and hacks for different diseases.

    "I absolutely love this academy.

    It's full of so many useful resources.

    Its great that if you are unable to make a live meeting (or you just want to watch again) you can easily catch up later to suit you.

    The fact that you can discuss cases on the forum and help and support each other makes me feel so supported, part of something good.

    I can honestly say that since being a member I feel more confident and believe in myself a little bit more!

    I can do this and I can do it well!!!"

    - Sarah, RVN

    Pricing options

    Want to join us for a year up front, or pay monthly? Choose the best option for you here.

    Meet your mentor

    Hi, I'm Laura.

    I'm a UK-based RVN and Veterinary Technician Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine.

    I’m on a mission to help veterinary nurses learn more about medical diseases, develop new skills, and provide the best care they can for their patients.

    I know what it's like to feel stuck in your career - before I fell in love with medicine, I was in a management role and felt like I'd got everything I could from the profession.

    By accident, I ended up becoming an internal medicine nurse, and it was the best thing that happened to my career!

    It showed me just how much potential these patients give us - there is so much we can do to support them, and develop our skills, too!

    For a while I struggled to find my "thing" in veterinary...

    but after finding Laura’s instagram I quickly realised that medical nursing was the path for me and the academy really couldn’t have come at a better time!

    I have such a strong passion for patient care, with a special interest in diabetic patients. I’m really thankful to have an incredibly supportive team at my workplace who were right on board with me implementing nursing clinics in our practice.

    Since officially starting my clinics in February of this year, so far I have 2 patients fully stabilised, 1 close to stable and an amazing new diabetic patient.

    I’ve also placed 3 libre 2 sensors which is a first for my practice, something I’m extremely proud of.

    I truly do not think I’d be where I am in my career and have the job satisfaction that I do had it not been for the medical nursing academy.

    The support from other members has been so encouraging and I love being able to share and hear from other members and their experiences.

    Because of the academy, I’ve witnessed myself achieve so many things that I didn’t think would be possible and I’ve gained confidence in my ability to nurse a range of different medical conditions.

    Catriona, RVN

    I absolutely love this academy!

    I love checking in and attending live calls when I can.

    The fact that I can pop in and out when I get chance to watch the recordings is fab, and I can ask opinions & advice in the community!
    It’s so nice to have a group of kind, caring and truly passionate nurses and techs!

    Sarah, RVN and Academy Member

    “A big thank you for being here for us, for all the amazing work you do for us and for giving us such a nice and safe space to feel welcome to get together.”

    Suzanne, Paraveterinarian and Academy Member