Do ECGs get your heart racing?

If you feel like there's just no way to make sense of all those different rhythms, let's change that in this webinar.

Here's what we'll cover in the session:

  • What does an ECG tell us?
    The cardiac cycle and normal ECG trace

  • How do we begin interpreting ECGs?Fundamental questions to ask yourself when examining ECG traces

  • What are our common arrhythmias?
    A look at what we see, when, and why

  • How do we manage arrhythmia patients?Priority assessments, when to worry, and how common arrhythmias are treated.

You'll leave the session feeling way more confident about assessing and interpreting ECGs, and nursing arrhythmia patients.

So, what's included?

As well as the on-demand webinar recording, you'll get easy-to-use worksheets on ECG interpretation, a test-yourself MCQ quiz and a CPD certificate!

    1. Webinar: Name That Arrhythmia! ECGs Explained

    2. ECGs Explained Quiz

About this course

  • £25.00
  • 2 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content